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Manila rope

(7 products)

Manila rope, made from abaca fiber from the Philippines, is known for its strength, durability and versatility.
It resists abrasion and weathering, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
It is often compared to sisal and hemp, but is more resistant to weather conditions.
Available in diameters from 4 mm to 48 mm, it is suitable for a variety of projects.
Common applications include swings, ladders, fences and as decoration. In historic seafaring, manila rope is still used because of its robustness.

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What more you need to know about manila rope

Manila rope is known worldwide for its strength, durability and versatility. Made from abaca fibers, manila rope is a natural material native to the Philippines, where the abaca plant grows. Its unique fibers create a robust rope that can withstand abrasion and various environmental conditions, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor applications. Manila is a fairly rough rope, which comes only as a beaten variety. Woven manila is not available.

Manila rope compared to sisal and hemp rope

Manila rope is often compared to other natural ropes, such as sisal and hemp, but has the unique advantage of being well weather resistant. As a result, of all natural ropes, manila is the most suitable for outdoor use. Our manila rope is available in different diameters, ranging from 6mm to
48mm, making it suitable for a variety of applications. Whether you have
a small project requiring 4mm manila rope, or a larger project
requiring 40mm manila rope, we offer the right size for your needs.


Please note with the sizes:
With manila rope, a certain diameter also comes with a certain breaking strength. That breaking strength is leading. So if some year a little less stronger fiber is harvested, the true diameter will be more than the name suggests. Thus, a 28 mm manila rope may well be 30 mm in diameter if you measure it. Keep this in mind in your projects so you won't be surprised and lose time making adjustments. Applications

applications of manila rope include making swings, ladders and fences.
Because of its natural appearance, it is also a popular choice for
decorative applications, such as garden accessories and furniture.

Manila rope

rope is often used in historic seafaring because of its robust
properties; it is ideally suited for making strong and safe lines for
ships. In this regard, manila is used only for historic ships. In
commercial shipping, manila ropes have been replaced for some time by
steel cables and now increasingly by synthetic ropes, such as Dyneema.

Lengths and diameters.

Manila rope is available in different lengths, so you can choose the right
amount for your project. It is available by the meter as well as in 200-meter bunches. Choose the right size for your application,
whether it is manila rope of 12 mm diameter, 16 mm or even thicker
varieties such as 32 mm and 48 mm.

Qualities of manila rope

There are levels of manila, namely Grade 1 and Grade 2. Grade 1 is the most natural grade and also the more expensive. This is an all-natural rope, with the oil that makes the rope weather resistant coming entirely from the fibers. In Grade 2, an anti-rotting agent is added to the rope. This makes it no longer completely natural, but it is better protected against mold and rot.

Grade 1 is not always available, so Prorope manila is sometimes Grade 1, sometimes Grade 2. So this rating says nothing else about the breaking strength or quality of the rope. It only indicates whether it is all-natural or not. If you have any questions or would like more information about manila rope, please email

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